Freddrick Ssemwogerere as the Senior Pastor of Union Mircle Centre Church with a capacity of 1000 people.It is seated on an acre of land.He is the founder of Union Miracle centre churches in Uganda.He was born in Kasanje/Nakawuka wakiso distrct on 4 th January 1966.He was a young boy at Kako secondary School Masaka.Later,he was bewitched by his step mother because of his fleuncy in English by then.As a result,he developed a headache which prompted him to consult soccerers for 25 years.While in the shrine,he heard a voice calling his name to get saved.Immediately he left the shrine and called his elder sister who was already a born again christian to come for him.Then after he got saved at his sister’s place in Entebbe.Pastor Ssemwogerere later went to Bible college at Rubaga Miracle Centre which is under Robert Kayanja ministries in 2012.It was after Bible college that he joined full time ministry.He also joined the international school of ministry based in California and now pursuing a degree in Theology at Life Christian University based at Rubaga Miracle Centre.
He used to congregate from a certain church for some time then the Lord instructed him to start a family alter in their seating room.As the number increased,they moved into a tent of 100 people.After some time,they added another tent of 300 people until when the Lord told them to build a temporally structure where they are up to now.Obeying the great commission of evangelism,he organised crusades through out the country that led to the birth of other brunches such as Union Miracle Centre Kanaaba,Union miracle centre church Buvama island and Unionmiracle centre Bukeewa Namayingo district.To day Union Miracle centre church with pastors Fredrick and Grace Ssemwogerere are one of the most prominent spiritual pastors in the whole world.
Objectives of the church.
The church shall be run on the principle of a national,non -profit making association and shall therefore exist as a non governmental organization(NGO) without discrimination in membership on the basis of ethnicity.sex,political affiliation and color.
Aim or objectives for which the church is established are:
- To build a better future for all persons by promoting and encouraging love,peace,unity,equity,respect,honesty,humility,responsibility and democracy among God’s people.
- To encourage the community of the church to promote spiritual values and to be saved through prayer and hard work.
- To encourage and promote good christian morals in all people by carrying on business in good faith,keeping Sunday day holy,and taking no alcohol.
- To encourage the community of the church to promote bodily,psychological,social,cultural,economic and political values among the God’s people.
- To uplift the name of the beloved son of God,in all persons through Bible reading,sharing testimonies,praising and worshiping God through songs,holding prayer sessions,and offering physical and financial assistance to the needy.
- To carry out celebration of christian baptism and weddings.Note.more objectives to be uploaded later.